economía, política y cultura de Asia
Sábado, 29 de marzo de 2025
V International Electronic Symposium on Chinese Politics
From 1st to 21st of March 2015

V Simposio imagen 2015 Observatory of Chinese Politics

1. Description

To establish an open platform of debate and socio-political reflection concerning the Chinese agenda with a barometer reflected in the annual meetings that in March celebrate the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and that of the People´s National Assembly.

2. Objectives

a) To put into effect accompaniments of the principal topics that define the political Chinese agenda.
b) To encourage specialized reflections on key matters.
c) To venture future trends on the development of the Chinese policies

3. Advantages

a) To exchange ideas amidst specialists in Chinese politics without any
necessary displacement.
b) To contribute to the establishment of a collective diagnosis in topics that is
of common interest and of usefulness in our performance.
c) To take part in an active and continuous way in the definition of a properly
Latin-American vision of the transition in the Chinese world.

4. Development

The programme will be organized around three thematic weekly meetings. The first one centred on politics; the second one, in economy and society; the third one in foreign affairs and security and defence.

The conclusions will be published.

5. Methodology

The first day of every week the official presentations relating to the topic will be announced. They will be signed by prestigious specialists and they will be submitted for debate or questioning during the same period. These documents will be taken as a base for the discussion and the exchange of opinions.

Any participant of the symposium will be able to send his observations in the course of every week which can consis in: opinions relating to the official presentations; opinions relating to some other work or comment of other participants; own presentations related to the topic of the week. The above mentioned will have to be presented with a summary not exceeding 100 words and a brief curriculum vitae. The participants will have to send his messages to:, and they will also be sent to all the new recruits.

Once the symposium has been completed, the participants will be requested to share their conclusions. The official conclusions will also be reported.

Inscriptions seen in the symposium can be formalized until February 15, 2014 by means of communication directed to

6. Participants

One will possess the participation of Referees Invited expressly by the organizing entity, being careful to reach the maximum plurality and representation.

7. Procedure

a) The symposium will rely on a moderator who will have the following responsibilities and attributions:

- To consult the mail on a daily basis to check for messages.
- To answer the consultations.
- To forward the opinions, comments and works to all the participants.
- To call the attention on the breach of the ethical procedure.

b) The participants´ rights are as follows:

- To receive the presentations and the messages of the rest of the participants.
- To take part by means of comments, opinions or other messages on the texts of the referees and other participants.
- To receive the certificate or supporting diploma of their participation.

c) The participants´ responsibilities are as follows:

- To assume the responsibility for their declarations.
- To use formal language and, without prejudice of the exercise of the critique, to avoid offensive terms for persons and / or institutions, trying to think in and constructive form.
- To express views in one of the official languages accepted in the symposium (Spanish, Chinese, English, French and Portuguese).

d) The moderator will be assisted by a Committee of Correction.

8. Minutes

The presentations that assemble the sufficient merits to be published might be included by the official texts in the minutes of the symposium. The participants will yield their rights on the texts sent to the Observatory of Chinese Politics to be published as minutes or articles in any type of format and for two years from the closing date of the symposium. The works might be included to the OPCh´s web.

9. Collaborating entities

The collaborating entities regard as specific obligation the installation of a banner on the event in his web pages in order to facilitate its diffusion.

10. Academic Council

The SEI has an Academic Council comprising: Jorge Malena (coordinator "Studies on Contemporary China" at the University of Salvador, Buenos Aires), Julio A. Díaz Vázquez (Consulting Professor, Research Center for International Economics, University of Havana), Diana Andrea Gómez (Associate Professor of Political Science Department, National University of Colombia), Milton Reyes (Professor at the School for International Policy, National Institute of Advanced Studies, Ecuador), Romer Cornejo (research Professor, Centre for the Study of Asia and Africa at the Colegio de Mexico), Paulo Vicentini (sinologist, Brazil), Carmen Mendes (Professor at the Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra), Alfredo Toro Hardy (Venezuelan diplomat), Fernando Reyes Matta (Center for Latin American Studies in China, Chile), and Xulio Rios (director OPCh).

11. Final note

All parties interested in taking part in contributing with a presentation can send it to:

Rules for the Presentation of Communications

1. All the works will be evaluated by two independent and anonymous experts designated by the OPCh. They will advise on approval without changes, make suggestions to the author or authors or advise against publication.

2. Works must be original and unpublished, and their publication must not be engaged with any other media, unless this happens after the Symposium.

3. The original communications can be sent in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Chinese.

4. The works will consist of a minimum of 3,000 words and a maximum of 10,000, including graphs, charts and bibliography.

5. The following information must appear on the first page: Communication title, author's name and surname, address, phone and fax number, e-mail address. Authors must also include their institutional affiliations, as well as any indications in relation to how this affiliation should be published. Furthermore, the author must include a brief CV, no longer than 5 lines, which will be published along with the communication.

6. All the works must include an abstract no longer than 15 lines, with no more than 5 keywords.

7. Notes must be added at the end of the paper.

8. Notes and bibliographic references will have the following format:

 - BOOKS: Author's SURNAME (capitalised) and name (not capitalised): Book title (in italics), publishing company, city, year and page(s).

 - ARTICLES: Author's SURNAME (capitalised) and name (not capitalised): "Article title" (in quotation marks), name of the journal (in italics), issue, date and page(s).

9. Initials will be followed by the full name in brackets the first time they are mentioned in the text.11. Submissions are accepted until the 15th of February 2015. The authors will receive notification on whether or not their communication has been accepted within one week of reception of the original.

* Si quieres acceder toda la información de las anteriores ediciones del Simposio: programa, ponencias, conclusiones...

consulta los siguientes enlances:

IV Simposio Electrónico Internacional sobre Política China 2014 >>>

III Simposio Electrónico Internacional sobre Política China 2013 >>>

II Simposio Electrónico Internacional sobre Política China 2012 >>>

I Simposio Electrónico Internacional sobre Política China 2011 >>>
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